23 Jun 2024
(photo grabbed from internet)
This post was originally published in my old blog last March 07, 2013. While I have not moved since then, the post deserves a re-issue.
A few years ago , I wrote about the concept of singleton and eventually mentioned the term “Resign Patterns” in the process. In the realm of software engineering, design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. Similarly, resignation has been a general solution to a commonly occurring problem within a workplace. Having only passed two resignation letters since I started working, clearly shows that I was never a fan of this solution. However, it does not mean that I am not fascinated by it and that my mind is not cheerfully entertaining and playing with the idea of bidding goodbye to my bosses at some point.
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30 Jul 2022
(photo grabbed from internet)
In a team that has more than 1 developer working on the same project, comparing source codes can be an everyday task. Often times,we need to know the difference between two version of files in a branch or on different branch. Git gave use a bare bones tool right for the job, the git diff. But as I have mentioned, its a bare bones approach. When dealing with lenghty files with multiple differences you will always prefer your go to diff tool e.g. winmerge, kdiff etc. Luckily, GiHub supports this scenario using git difftool.
In this post, we are configuring the git system to use KDiff as the diff tool. You can go ahead and use other tool if you want too.
What do we need?
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31 Mar 2021
Debugging your code is a common activity for developers. In my daily grind, most of my time is doing F10’s to a code and watch variables change value - the sad story of a software maintenance guy using Visual Studio. So when I began using Jupyter Notebook, one of my first question was - How do I step trough the code and debug this thing?. Most common reply I got was, “well, if your stuck with Jupyter, just use print”. For most basic tasks, yes. Simple print is all we need, but as you dive deeper into the world of creating complex programs using the notebook, you need more than print.
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27 Dec 2020
(photo grabbed from internet)
I’m a MacOS guy for several years until my MBP died on me last year and haven’t got a replacement for it. However, my 8 to 5 job revolves around Windows. Recently, Win10 has been working great for me. But, I always wanted a development environment that is different from what I use every day at work, change of scenery of some sort. So for 3 to 4 months I was reviewing the different flavors of Linux has to offer. Ubuntu has always got a soft spot for me, I have been on and off the platform since 2006. However, the current interface has put me off. Either my system lags using it or I just need a more efficient OS. I’m not into games or the fancy graphics stuff anyway, I just need a reliable development machine. Eventually, I have decided to go with Xubuntu, an Ubuntu flavor utilizing a more resource friendly xfce interface. I never looked back since then.
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20 Dec 2020
Finally, I’m moving to this new blog after decades at blogspot. I don’t have any issues with blogspot, however, I think the time to update to a new platform is now and Jekyll seems to fit my requirements. Besides, using GitHub as my hosting site and Markdown as the main editing format is my best option right now. Between now and my last post on my old blog, there has been a lot of changes. I have been wanting to restart my blogging and possible vlogging this year, I just don’t have the time and topic to start with. The holidays and my previous trainings and experiences are an expected catalyst. So let me begin, again.
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